

exempted meaning的相關標籤

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Epiphany in Spain, not be exempted from series carnivals and parades. Epiphany can be looked as the ending of Christmas and new year vacation, from the meaning of religion, it’s also the first time when Jesus Christ shows himself to foreigners. In Spain, three kings have their own name: Melchor, Gaspar and Balthasar. It is said the last should be a black skin man. 西班牙不管什麼節都跟趴踢脫不了關係,主顯節是宣示著聖誕與新年假期結束。宗教意義上來說,也是耶穌誕生後第一次對外國人的接觸,更訂下了聖誕禮物跟伴手禮的由來😏在西班牙三個來自東方的國王有自己的名字:Melchor, Gaspar, Balthasar. 依照傳統最後一個一定是黑人😎🤴🏾 #Spain #Galicia #Epiphany

Epiphany in Spain, not be exempted from series car...